Thursday, March 10, 2011

This Season of Lent: Keep Vigilant

Keep vigilant watch over your heart; 
   that's where life starts.
Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; 
   avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.
Keep your eyes straight ahead; 
   ignore all sideshow distractions.
Watch your step, 
   and the road will stretch out smooth before you.
Look neither right nor left; 
   leave evil in the dust. (Proverbs 4:23-27)

Often, we hear about people "giving up" something for Lent. Normally, people mean by this that they want to recognize and to honor Jesus' self-giving by giving up things that they enjoy. This is a commendable practice, one in which I have joined in a few times.

In line with last Sunday's message about us being called to "take every thought captive" and to think on "whatever is true, noble, and right . . . ), let's approach this season of Lent more deeply and broadly than just "giving something up."

As guided by this passage in Proverbs, let's be vigilant and watch our steps. Some of the many questions we might ask ourselves: 

  • Where am I failing our Lord's command to love one's neighbor?
  • Is there a particular neighbor (friend, family member, or co-worker) to whom I need to show more love?
  • Are there forms of media I'm consuming that might not be overtly bad, but still may be distracting me from thinking on what is "pure, lovely, and admirable?"
  • What practices lift my soul?
  • How can I arrange my life in ways that will make spiritual growth and faithful discipleship more likely?
Living on purpose. Living thoughtfully. Keeping our eyes straight ahead. 

This Lent, let us all take more responsibility for our own growth by giving more thought to our lives. And as we do, let us make important decisions: removing some things from our lives, while incorporating others. Maybe some of us do need to give something up for Lent. Maybe others of us need to bring something in, such as daily Scripture reading, good Christian books or music, or regular prayer. As we approach this season of Lent, let us all think deeply and reflect: What can we change about our daily and weekly routines, that will make it easier for us to grow and to mature. Let us each pick out an item or two, stick with it, and see how God might bless our efforts.

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